University of Ljubljana

One of most important European Universities is our strategic partner in high speed simulations and optimization of complex systems to mention CFD or FEM analysis.
TTI Software

We rely on our partners in bussines to mention TTI – Software for mooring analysis has following features:
- All types of inshore and offshore ship moorings
- Shielding effect of piers
- In-built OCIMF methods and wind/current drag coefficients
- Easy reporting to RTF format, wind/wave roses
- Graphic plan with “drag & drop” moorings
- Toggle between Metric and Imperial units
- Time related analyses to account for vessel draft (loading) and tide level changes
- Single and multiple batch files
- Easy reporting to Word and Excel files
- Auto generation of wind or wave capability rosette
- Fixed piers with catenary anchored buoys
- Option to lock vessel/berth data
- Comprehensive rope property database, both static and dynamic stiffness modelled
- Auto or manual pre-tension to set up mooring
- Wave Response Module [WRM] Option
- Ship2Ship Option for side by side mooring
TTI is compatible with: (OCIMF) Mooring Equipment Guidelines (MEG4), 2018 that requires ships to designed with adequate mooring equipment for winds of 60 knots from any direction simultaneously with either: 3 knots of current ahead or astern, or 2 knots of current from 10 degrees off bow or stern quarter, or 0.75 knots current from the direction of maximum beam current loading.

ToughStump – Innovative solutions for charting and crisis management. Our partner in bussines from field of communication and crisis management. Communication in our projects.
Emdoor Rugged

Rugged tablets, laptops and phones that can handle harsh environment and conditions will work for You – Emdoor is top supplier for our MANET network exchange needs.

uBlox is leading designer of GNSS/BT and IoT solutions we use for our research and design purposes. uBlox is our partner in many solutions. See how they can help Your solution.